Ward 1b
Ward 1b is a neurosciences ward that specialises in the treatment and rehabilitation of children and young people with head injuries.
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Ward 1b is a neurosciences ward that specialises in the treatment and rehabilitation of children and young people with head injuries.
Departments: Children's
Ward 2a provides specialist care for children and young people who have tracheostomies and require long term ventilation.
Departments: Children's
Ward 4 is the children’s cancer inpatient ward and the Teenage Cancer Unit.
Departments: Cancer services, Children's
Ward 6 is the children’s emergency assessment unit and the planned medical day case unit.
Departments: Children's
Ward 8b is a nurse-led Day Unit for children and young people, undergoing a general anaesthetic for a wide range of treatments.
Departments: Children's
We provide specialist surgical in-patient care for children and young people.
Departments: Children's