Surgical abortion involves an operation to remove the pregnancy from the womb. Here you can find out more information about surgical termination of pregnancy.
On the ward
If you visit the clinic, after that you will attend the ward for information about your admission date. A nurse on the ward will discuss the procedure with you and advise you when you should avoid food
Please note that this includes both sweets and chewing gum.
You may bring someone with you who is able to stay with you for the day.
Once returned from theatre, you can expect to stay on the unit for approximately two hours or until the nurse/doctor is happy that you are well enough to go home. You must arrange for an escort to travel home with you either by private transport or taxi.
On admission, depending on the gestation of the pregnancy you will be given pessaries to soften the cervix (this is the opening of the uterus at the top of the vagina). This may cause some bleeding and period type cramps. Please ask the staff for painkillers if required.
You are advised to use bedpans if you start to bleed. The doctor performing the procedure and the anaesthetist will visit you on the unit prior to going to theatre. Then you will dress in a gown and a trolley will take you to theatre. The procedure usually lasts only 20 minutes.
Future contraceptives
t is very important to have effective contraceptive for when you leave the ward.
The nursing staff will be happy to discuss this with you and can administer some contraceptives. If not they can guide you to the nearest service to where you live.
Options in brief
- The Pill should be started within 24 hours of the procedure. An initial supply will be given to you and repeat supply can be obtained from your local family planning clinic/GP
- The Injection (Depo) can be given to you on discharge from the unit. This needs to be repeated every 11-12 weeks.
- The Implant can be fitted immediately after your procedure.
- The IUD/ IUS (coil) can be inserted within 14 days of your procedure. This can be carried out by your GP surgery or local family planning clinic
- The CAP (diaphragm) can be supplied and fitted within one to two weeks after your procedure. This is done at your GP surgery or local family planning clinic
- Sterilisation: You can be referred to see a Gynaecologist at the RVI to discuss this. You can also discuss this with your GP.
- Condoms should always be used to reduce the risk of sexual transmitted infections.
Please remember that we are here to help you. If you have any questions, doubts or worries please feel free to ask.
More information
Please remember, we are here to help you. If you have any questions, doubts or worries please feel free to ask
Contact us and not your GP, who may be unaware of the treatment you are receiving.
Ward 40 0191 282 5618 (24 hours)
Ward 40 day unit 0191 2825640 (Monday to Friday, 9.00am – 5.00pm)
For further information
The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) can offer on-the-spot advice and information about the NHS. You can contact them on:
- Freephone 0800 032 02 02
- email: [email protected]
Useful websites
You can find further information on the NHS Choices website . Here you will also find an information prescription generator. This brings together a wealth of approved patient information from the NHS and charity partners which you may find helpful.