Dr Linda Tinkler, Lead for NMAHP Research

Linda Tinkler is the Trust lead for Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals (NMAHP) Research at Newcastle Hospitals.
Her role is to lead on facilitating and developing research capacity and capability within our NMAHP professions.
Professor Annette Hand, Professor of Nursing – Clinical Academic

Annette Hand is Professor of Nursing and Clinical Academic working jointly between the Newcastle Hospitals and Northumbria University.
Annette’s role is committed to working together in research, education and clinical practice to improve patient outcomes and patient care.
Dr James Faraday, Clinical Educator for NMAHP Research

James Faraday is the Trust’s Clinical Educator for Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals Research.
James’ role is to support and guide research-active and research-curious NMAHP colleagues though the research landscape.
Felicity Pope, Clinical Project Coordinator for NMAHP Research

Felicity Pope is the Clinical Project Coordinator for Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals Research.
Felicity’s role is to help make research more accessible for NMAHP colleagues through promotion, communication and carrying out research on behalf of the team.