We actively engage with our staff, to learn from them, ensuring they feel valued, listened to, respected and supported to contribute and shape care provision.
This week has seen a series of celebrations, shining a bright light on our 1,500 plus healthcare and maternity support workers and thanking them for all that they do.
Each of them is a fundamental member of the team, and they work alongside their colleagues to support the delivery of high quality care for patients and their loved ones, working in both hospital and community settings with newborns, children and adults.
Senior nursing colleagues met some of our support workers as they arrived at the Freeman and the RVI and there were visits on wards and in the community sharing tokens of thanks.
One thing is very clear – we simply couldn’t do our job without our healthcare and maternity support workers and I’m sure you’ll join me as I send a resounding ‘Thank You’ to each and every one working for Newcastle Hospitals
Chief Executive Dame Jackie Daniel
We couldn’t get round everybody in such a large organisation as ours but we saw many messages of thanks and support posted on social media with many more being shared in clinics and on wards.

They are as important as every member of the team
Medical Director Andy Welch
Chief Nursing Officer and Chief Midwifery Officer for England HCSW Awards
The Chief Nursing Officer and Chief Midwifery Officer for England are currently seeking nominations for their new healthcare and maternity support worker awards to reward significant and outstanding contributions whilst demonstrating NHS values everyday.
If you have a colleague who you would like to nominate for an award you can find out more here: