Our Celebrating Excellence Awards are an opportunity to take some time out to reflect on and acknowledge the fantastic work happening across Newcastle Hospitals – to show appreciation for all that our staff do, day in and day out, whether that’s in our hospitals, the community or in clinical and nonclinical areas.
We received hundreds of nominations for our staff, volunteers and charity supporters many of which featured our fantastic nurses, midwives and allied health professionals (NMAHPs).
Here are our winners and shortlisted colleagues.
Clinician of the Year Award

Jackie Rees, Nurse Consultant for bladder and bowel care won the Clinician of the Year Award.
Rising Star Award

Hannah Perez, Nurse Specialist on the RVI’s the hyper-acute stroke unit won the Rising Star Award.
Chief Executive’s Award

Audrey Tapang, Senior Nurse for International Nursing Recruitment won the Chief Executive’s Award.
Apprentice of the Year

Paula Newman, Apprentice Dental Nurse won the Apprentice / Trainee of the Year Award.