We work with many different partners and organisations. On this page, you’ll find more information about some of our closest collaborations.
Newcastle Joint Research Office
The Newcastle Joint Research Office (NJRO) is a partnership between Newcastle Hospitals and Newcastle University. Through this partnership, the Trust acts as sponsor for all university research requiring access to patients.
The office provides dedicated expertise and guidance covering:
- the delivery of high quality commercial research
- information for investigators and researchers
- research grants and funding
- research governance and project management
- details about the research passport system
- research support for nurses, midwives and allied healthcare professionals.
The NJRO welcomes contact from professionals looking to start or develop a research project, or who simply want to talk through their ideas.

Newcastle University
Our partnership with Newcastle University is critical to the delivery of high calibre research. A large proportion of our research funding is awarded through collaboration with the university.
This strong partnership helps us to take research from bench to bedside – taking research results from the laboratory into hospitals so that it directly benefits patients.
NIHR Regional Research Delivery Network North East and North Cumbria
The NIHR Clinical Research Network North East and North Cumbria (RRDN NENC) provides the infrastructure to allow high-quality health and social care research to take place across the region, so patients and the public can benefit from better health and healthcare.
They help to increase the opportunities for patients and the public to take part in health research in primary, secondary and social care and ensure studies are carried out efficiently. Funded through the Department of Health and Social Care, they are hosted by Newcastle Hospitals.

Newcastle Health Research Partnership (NHRP)
We are part of Newcastle Health Research Partnership (NHRP) – formerly known as Newcastle Health Innovation Partners – alongside four other partners: Newcastle University, Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust, Newcastle City Council, and Health Innovation North East and North Cumbria.
NHRP is an academic health science centre and one of only eight in the UK. NHRP partners work together to translate research into real world benefit. It aims to improve people’s health and generate economic growth for the North East and North Cumbria region.
Academic Health Science Centres are designated by NHS England and NHS Improvement and the National Institute for Health Research for demonstrating excellence in health research, health education and patient care.