There are many ways that you can get involved and support our services.
Share your views
If you want to share your views, please visit our feedback section.
We are really grateful to the many individuals and organisations who support what we do and currently have more than 700 volunteers providing a commitment of time to help in our hospitals and in the community.
You can find out more about our volunteer roles, and how they enhance and support patients’ experiences, here or get in touch via email at [email protected]
Become a member or governor
Our governors act as guardians of the organisation by engaging with Trust members, patients and the public, providing a link to represent the wider public interest.
To find out more about becoming a governor, see our FAQs
You can also email our governors or call our corporate services office on freephone 0800 0150136
Advising on the Patient Experience (APEX) Group
We recognise that some of the best ideas come from our patients, carers and local communities – after all, you are in an ideal position to tell us about and help us improve the quality of our services.
APEX is a group of patient representatives who work in collaboration with Newcastle Hospitals staff, contributing views, offering feedback and getting actively involved with project work to provide a patient perspective. Members often act as a critical friend and get actively involved to offer support with large scale transformation of services and new developments as opportunities arise.
We would welcome new members from all backgrounds, all you need is an interest in improving the patient experience.
For further information, please contact the patient experience team on: 0191 2231382 or [email protected]
Young Persons Advisory Group North East (YPAGne)

YPAGne is a group of young people aged between 11 and 18 who meet monthly to discuss paediatric research with a professional research team and work collaboratively on different projects.
It is an excellent way to make new friends, learn new skills, explore new activities and most importantly help shape the future of health care.
We know that involving young people in the development of research studies leads to better research for young people – we value your views and opinions and want to incorporate them into our work.
Your views and opinions will help influence research that is carried out within our local hospital and other services both regionally and nationally.
If you are interested in joining or want to find out more visit their website:
Follow on social media:
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @ypagne
Instagram and Tik Tok @natteringwiththeNHS
Maternity Voices Partnership
The Newcastle Maternity Voices Partnership is for women who have recently, or are about to give birth at the Royal Victoria Infirmary.
Group members work with our midwives and senior leaders to develop maternity services in Newcastle.
The Facebook group is a great way of getting in touch but you can also email and follow them on Twitter.
Help our medical student exams
We are a proud teaching hospital which trains hundreds of medical students every year. We need volunteer patients when these students take their clinical exams. You can find out more about how you can help our medical students by calling our team at 0191 282 0837 or emailing us.