Visiting times
Visiting times on most wards are 1pm to 8pm every day.
We know there are occasions when you may want to visit outside of these hours, so please speak to the nurse in charge to discuss your needs.
During your visit, you may be asked to leave the ward temporarily, for example, if a patient needs any tests or treatments.
Services with different visiting times are:
- Children’s services – 8am to 8pm every day and at least one parent can stay with the child (under 16 years).
- Maternity services – 8am to 8pm – birth partner, siblings and one adult visitor.
- Neonatal services – Open visiting for parents.
- Emergency Department – One visitor per patient.
- Outpatients department – Patients can be accompanied by two visitors.
Visiting with children
If you wish to bring a child to visit, please check with the nurse in charge. Children must be supervised at all times.
Protected mealtimes
We support protected mealtimes so you may be asked to leave at this time. However, if the patient you are visiting would benefit from support with eating and drinking, you are welcome to help with this.
Keeping patients safe
- Wash your hands or use hand gel on entrance to ward and when leaving the bed area.
- Use the chairs provided and replace them after use.
- Do not sit or lie on the patient’s bed.
- Use the public toilets which are available throughout the hospital and not the patient or ward toilets.
- Check with the nurse in charge if you plan to bring in any food for the patient.
- Follow any infection control guidance in place for the area that you are visiting.
- You can bring gifts such as fruit, sweets, books and magazines into hospital but do not bring flowers.
- Smoking and/or vaping is not permitted in the hospital or hospital grounds.
If you are unwell
Do not visit if you have an infection, such as a cough, cold, diarrhoea and/or vomiting.
You must be symptom free for 48 hours before visiting.
If you have respiratory symptoms or are generally unwell and still need to visit, please wear a surgical mask covering your mouth and nose.
Staying in contact
Virtual visiting can be supported outside of visiting times or during restricted visiting. Patients can use their own devices (please bring a working charger) and can access the Trust free WiFi.
The bedside TV provision provides free outgoing telephone calls to numbers starting with 01,02 03 and mobile telephone numbers.